How much should I expect to pay?

The number of subjects you must complete to graduate depends on the course, and if you receive advanced standing (Recognition of Prior Learning). This, in turn, will affect how much your UTS Online course fees will cost you.

For example, if you hold a bachelor degree, graduate diploma or certificate in a similar field, or have equivalent work experience, you could receive up to eight subjects advanced standing for the Master of Advanced Nursing - significantly reducing the cost of your degree and the length of your study.

Schedule of fees

Advanced Nursing
Course Cost per subject Total cost
Master of Advanced Nursing $2,833* $33,990*
Graduate Certificate in Advanced Nursing $2,833* $11,330*
Graduate Certificate in Acute Care Nursing  $3,150* $12,625*
Graduate Certificate in Critical Care $2,833* $11,330*
Graduate Certificate in Mental Health $2,833* $11,330*
Graduate Certificate in Nursing Education $2,833* $11,330*
Business Administration
Course Cost per study period Total cost
Master of Business Administration $4,383* $52,590*
Graduate Certificate in Business Administration $4,383* $17,530*
Business Analytics
Course Cost per study period Total cost
Master of Business Analytics $4,116* $49,395*
Graduate Certificate in Business Analytics $4,116* $16,465*
Business Consulting
Course Cost per study period Total cost
Graduate Certificate in Business Consulting and Technology Implementation $4,116* (6CP subjects)
$2,058* (3CP subjects)
Digital Marketing
Course Cost per study period Total cost
Master of Digital Marketing $4,116* $49,395*
Graduate Certificate in Digital Marketing $4,116* $16,465*
Graduate Certificate in Marketing and Digital Strategy $4,116* $16,465*
Education (Learning and Leadership)
Course Cost per study period Total cost
Master of Education (Learning and Leadership) $2,838* $34,050*
Graduate Certificate in Education (Learning and Leadership) $2,838* $11,350*
Graduate Certificate in Professional and Organisational Learning $2,838* $11,350*
Health Services Management
Course Cost per subject Total cost
Master of Health Services Management $3,390* $40,635*
Graduate Certificate in Health Services Management $3,390* $13,545*
International Relations
Course Cost per subject Total cost
Master of International Relations $3,320* $39,840*
Graduate Certificate in International Relations $3,320* $13,280*
Medical Science Leadership
Course Cost per study period Total cost
Master of Medical Science Leadership $4,461* $53,530*
Graduate Certificate in Science Leadership $4,461* $17,844*
Graduate Certificate in Medical Science Innovation $4,461* $17,844*
Graduate Certificate in Public Engagement in Medical Science $4,461* $17,844*
Property Development
Course Cost per study period Total cost
Master of Property Development $4,195* $50,340*
Graduate Certificate in Property Development $4,195* $16,780*
Course Cost per study period Total cost
Graduate Diploma in Psychology $3,963* $39,625*
Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) $3,963* $31,700*
Public Health
Course Cost per study period Total cost
Master of Public Health $3,096* $37,150*
Graduate Diploma in Public Health $3,096* $24,760*
Graduate Certificate in Public Health $3,096* $12,380*
Graduate Certificate in Public Health
& Communicable Disease
$3,096* $12,380*
Graduate Certificate in
Health Analytics
$3,096* $12,380*
Course Cost per study period Total cost
Master of Sustainable Leadership $3,963* $47,550*
Master of Sustainable Energy $3,963* $47,550*
Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Practice $3,963* $15,850*
Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Leadership $3,963* $15,850*
Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Energy Technologies $3,963* $15,850*
Strategic Communication
Course Cost per study period Total cost
Master of Strategic Communication $3,320* $39,840*
Graduate Certificate in Strategic Communication $3,320* $13,280*
Graduate Certificate in Corporate Communication $3,320* $13,280*
Technology Management
Course Cost per study period Total cost
Master of Technology Management $4,116* $49,395*
Executive Master of Technology Management $4,116* $49,395*
Graduate Certificate in Technology Management $4,116* $16,465*
Graduate Certificate in Artificial Intelligence Management $4,116* $16,465*
Graduate Certificate in Cybersecurity Management $4,116* $16,465*
Urban Planning and Design
Course Cost per study period Total cost
Master of Urban Planning $4,195* $62,925*
Master of Urban Design $4,195* $62,925*
Graduate Certificate in Urban Planning and Design $4,195* $16,780*
Women's and Children's Health
Course Cost per study period Total cost
Master of Women's and Children's Health $3,156* $37,875*
Graduate Certificate in Women's and Children's Health $3,156* $12,625*
Graduate Certificate in Child and Family Health $3,156* $12,625*


*Fees are correct for 2024 and are revised annually.